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  • Level I
    The focus of this stage is to introduce the concept of constructive drawing, the practice of quick sketches, and to familiarize the student with the features of the face and the various art materials and mediums. A focus is also given to color theory and the development of a feel for color. Lecture & Demo: Color Science/Color Sketches Lecture & Demo: Perspective Lecture & Demo: Quick Sketches Lecture: Art Materials & Techniques Perspective Drawing Schemes of Geometric Shapes in varying perspectives Drawing Still-life 1: Geometric Shapes Painting Still-life 1: Geometric Shapes (grisaille) Cast Drawing or Painting 1: Nose Cast Drawing or Painting 2: Eye Cast Drawing or Painting 3: Mouth Cast Drawing or Painting 4: Ear Mastercopy 1: Master Drawing Mastercopy 2: Master Drawing Color Sketches Quick Sketches from life
  • Level II
    In this second stage the student begins an intensive study of anatomy, beginning with the anatomy involved in portraiture. The stages of drawing are also taught, with a focus on the stage of construction. Focus is also given on continuing a study of color, particularly those of fleshtones. Lecture & Demo: Drawing the Head Lecture & Demo: Fleshtones Lecture & Demo: Figure Drawing: The Rough Drawing Lecture & Demo: Constructive Drawing Constructive Anatomy Study: Head, Neck, and Shoulder Girdle Drawing Still-life 2: multiple objects with cloth Painting Still-life 2: multiple objects with cloth (full palette) Cast Drawing 5: Constructive Drawing of Bust Cast Drawing 6: Bust Painting Still-life 3: multiple object, cloth, and bust (full palette) Mastercopy 3: Paintings of Hands (3-5 copies) Lecture: Composition Composition studies Color Sketches Quick Sketches from life of figures
  • Level III
    In the third stage students begin to fully apply what they have learned to portraiture. The concept that drawing and painting are interrelated is further explained in the exercises as students progress from busts to live portraits. A study of fleshtones and color relationships continues. Painting Still-life 4: multiple objects, cloth, and bust (full palette) Painting Still-life 5: multiple objects, cloth, and bust (full palette) Portrait Drawing Long Pose 1 Portrait Painting Long Pose 1: grisaille Mastercopy 4: Portrait Painting Portrait Painting Long Pose 1: full palette Composition practice Color Sketches of portrait & figure Quick Sketches from life
  • Level IV
    This stage is one of the most important to the artist. Students begin an intensive study of anatomy, and its relationship to successful figurative work. Focus is given to the concept of figure drawing as a method of study, practice, memorization, and understanding of the human form. Figure Drawing Long Pose 1 Constructive Anatomy Study: Torso Constructive Anatomy Study: Head and Neck Constructive Anatomy Study: Arms and Hands Constructive Anatomy Study: Pelvis, Legs and Feet Mastercopy 5: Portrait with Hands Composition practice Color Sketches Quick Sketches from life
  • Level V
    All of the fundamentals and gained base of knowledge comes into application within this stage, as students focus on portraiture and painting the human figure. Figure Drawing Long Pose 2 Figure Painting Long Pose 1: grisaille Portrait Drawing Long Pose 3 Portrait Painting Long Pose 3: full palette Mastercopy 6: Full-Figure Composition practice Color Sketches Quick Sketches from life
  • Level VI
    This stage focused on the implementation and practice of ability to paint the human portrait and figure. Portraits and figure paintings become progressively larger in size and increase in complexity, both to challenge the student as well as focus instruction on color relationships and compositional solutions. Figure Drawing Long Pose 3 Figure Painting Long Pose 3: full palette Portrait Drawing Long Pose 4 Portrait Painting Long Pose 4: full palette Composition practice
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